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  • 2nd March 2024 Explanation of "Waste Charging Scheme and Community Opinion Collection Session"

    Joint Office of District Councillor Yip Wing-shing and District Councillor Ng Yin – Explanation of "Waste Charging Scheme and Community Opinion Collection Session"

    Date:  2nd March 2024 (Saturday)

    Time: 2:30pm

    Venue: "Kennedy Town Kai Fong Welfare Association", 14A Belcher's Street, Kennedy Town, Western District.


    It is  is grateful for District Councillor Yip Wing-shing and District Councillor Ng Yin to hold this event today. In additional, our Ms Eva Yeung is also very pleasure to state the condition of previous meeting among the Hong Kong Property Association and the Environmental Hygiene Department. It may try our best to assist with the residents to handle its difficulties under waste charging scheme for single buildings. For example, placing smart food waste recycling machines outside government buildings and extending the opening hours of the Green in the District, so that it will be more convenient for everyone to handle food waste after dinner.

     It can be associated with the residents at Central and Western District, for achieving a better job in the recycling plan at environment protection, and by contributing our effort into waste reduction. 

  • New City Property Management Limited fully support the 14th of festival under Central and Western District

     New City Property Management Limited is fully support for the 14th of festival under Central and Western District. Mr. Yeung of New City PMD & Mr. Leung Chi-ki,‘’David'' (his role as a JP under Home Affair Department) at the Central and Western District , also attend in this activity by taking photo together.

  • "Anti-Fraud Receipt" Pilot Program 2.0

     Western District - Police Community Relations Office and the Director and Vice President of New City Property Management Company Limited Ms. Eva Yeung have cooperated again. From June to December this year, the "Anti-Fraud Receipt" Pilot Program 2.0 will be held to collect management fee receipts from its Western District and Southern District property management buildings , printed a new series of anti-fraud promotional slogans "Anti-fraud video devices, anti-fraud is a blessing, have you downloaded it yet?"


    HK01 link: https://www.hk01.com/%E7%AA%81%E7%99%BC/1024019/%E6%B8%AF%E6%AF%8F13%E5%88%86%E9%90%98%E4%B8%80%E9%A8%99%E6%A1%88-%E6%AF%8F%E6%97%A5%E6%90%8D%E5%A4%B1-2500%E8%90%AC-%E8%AD%A6%E5%81%95%E7%89%A9%E7%AE%A1%E5%85%AC%E5%8F%B8%E5%AE%A3%E5%82%B3%E9%98%B2%E9%A8%99?utm_source=01appshare&utm_medium=referral


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